Quality, Health, Safety and Environment

Safety at work is a top priority.  We believe that a safe workplace is essential for the well-being of our employees and the success of our operations.

At Cable Solutions, our overall purpose is 'Everyone Home Safe'. This is an encapsulation of the right for everyone to return home from work safely and promote their wellbeing; this applies to Cable Solutions staff and all who come into contact with our work activities.

Our systems, processes and AGILE Core Values, coupled with our supply and services ensure people, plant and the environment are kept safe.

This is underpinned by our ongoing certification to ISO 9001 along with our commitment to achieve ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 by 2025.

Contact us to learn more about how Cable Solutions Worldwide can meet your requirements while upholding the highest QHSE standards in the industry.


shipbuilding market

About Us

our history

Our History

service loops inspection

Meet The Team

cable manufacturing machine

Manufacturing Partners

QHSE, Quality, health, safety and environment


Core Values

Core Values

wind turbine

Net Zero

renewable energy


Looking for a cable solution? Get in touch!